Monday 16 October 2017

Bicycle Safety Activity Kid

Hi there!

Once more, Escola ARCE Pedala🚲 is here, and we are ready to have lots of fun and learn a bit more about bicycles, road rules and safety
Have a look at the link below in order to complete your class task.  And don't forget to enjoy!!!

→   CLICK HERE   ← 

By the way, remember that you can find more funny activities on this site, by clicking on bicycle on the word cloud on the right.  

Saturday 2 September 2017

Hello everybody!👋
We are about to start a new school year😀.  Are you ready? 
Double check you have all your classroom objects✂📐📕📗📝📖📎 in your school bag💼 before you grab it on the first day to ARCE school🏢, and don't forget your snack🍎🍓🍞🍫, mmmmmm yummy!!! 

Let me remind you that this school year you can join English "extraescolar" lessons at school carried out by Tower English.  You'll have lots of fun as you learn English.  Contact secretary for more information.

See you soon!

Saturday 18 February 2017

People from History

6th year students have been learning the Past Simple during the last month, and to put this grammar issue into practice, the have worked in a project about people👫 who were important in the history of humanity.  They read📖

about some historical characters in the classroom and took them as models to carry out this individual activity at home🏡.  The English lessons became History lessons, so we all learnt more about who invented television📺, who explored the South Pole🌎, who climbed the Everest 🌄for the first time or how Marco Polo travelled🐴 to China.  All in all, a nice trip into the past, and back.

Sunday 12 February 2017


Hi there!👋

Here you are an interesting video📹 about how children describe their emotions and feelings😃😒😖😡, and how they manage to control them.  It is very descriptive, and it can help us think on how we deal with our emotions and feelings, too.  And how we manage to control them, as well. 

Thursday 9 February 2017

St Valentine's Day

Hi there!

St Valentine's Day is around the corner and you can feel it as love💖 is in the air, or wind🌀, as it happens in our hometown.  Adults celebrate this date, and children keep on asking❓ about it.  So, do you know the story? Here you are a brief explanation children👱👱👱👱👱 at Cicle Superior are going to work in, to learn the origin of this traditional festivity💝.  

Love XXX


Wednesday 21 December 2016

Jingle Bells by 5th year

5th year students would like to wish Merry Christmas🎄 with a popular carol.  They learned and performed Jingle Bells🔔 and here you are the result.  You can see a couple of videos📹, the "making of" and the "official" one.  Merry Christmas everyone!🎅

👉Jingle Bells (making of)
👉Jingle Bells (official)

Merry Christmas 
Happy New Year

Friday 16 December 2016

Christmas Carols 2016

Children at Primary Education are singing English Christmas Carols 🎄these days at school, as Christmas holidays🎅 are around the corner.  Here you can find these carols for them to practise at home🏠.  Sing along and have fun!🎉

1st Year   Oh Christmas Tree
5th Year  Jingle Bells