Wednesday 15 June 2016

P5 Alphabet

Hi there!
Here you are our little P5 kids singing the ABCs along with India and Elmo by Sesame Street.  I promise you they just LOVE it! And I have a lot of fun with them all.  Fancy a look? Click on the picture below and enjoy it!

Monday 13 June 2016

Animal Project

6th year students have carried out a project about animals.  They have searched for information about an animal they had previously chosen.  Then, they have written a description and to finish with, they have exposed their project.  And that last part is what we are showing you all in this post.  
Please, feel free to click on the names to enjoy our animal experts videos. Grrrrr!!!!

P.S.: Most of the boys and girls in this group have been my students for the last 9 years. Others, have joined ARCE school along Primary Education.  In a few days, they are going to put an end to all these years together and they are going to start ESO.  It's been a pleasure having you all, teaching you English and guiding you on these first years at school.  Thanks to all of you.  All the best!